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A patient undergoing Vestibular Rehabilitation.




Good balance is often taken for granted. For example, most people don’t find it difficult to walk across a gravel driveway, transition from walking on a sidewalk to grass, or get out of bed in the middle of the night without stumbling. However, with impaired balance, such activities can be extremely fatiguing and sometimes dangerous. Symptoms accompanying unsteadiness can include dizziness, vertigo, hearing and vision problems, and difficulty concentrating and memory.

Symptoms of chronic dizziness or imbalance can have a significant impact on the ability of a disabled person to perform one or more activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, or simply getting around inside the home. The vestibular system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain that process the sensory information that controls balance and eye movements. If disease or injury damages these processing areas, vestibular disorders can result. Vestibular disorders can also result from or be worsened by genetic or environmental conditions or occur for unknown reasons.

Videonystagmography is used to help correctly diagnose vestibular dysfunction. We use infrared goggles to examine what the eyes are doing in the dark, meaning the visual system is not being used. We also evaluate various balance aspects with a computerized postural stability assessment (CAPS). This helps us look closer at the vestibular system's control of the body's balance and stability.


Call us today at 704-752-8100 or click the button below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation with our lead doctor, Dr. Alicia Brown, to see how our services may be right for you or a loved one. 

Dr. Alicia Brown's Better Brain & Body hosts over 30 therapies and technologies to improve brain and body function. For vestibular dysfunction, look no further than the GyroStim. This FDA-approved rotational therapy treats and manages vestibular dysfunction and balance disorders. This state-of-the-art technology is a frontline therapy that harnesses the power of neuroplasticity in the brain to adapt to new challenges, like balance or vestibular dysfunction. 


Other therapies for vestibular dysfunction or balance disorders include virtual reality therapy. Virtualis Motion VR is the system used at the clinic to rehabilitate various symptoms or conditions. This health technology has a motion platform that a patient stands on. Uniquely calibrated to the patient's treatment plan, this motion plate moves and can test and train limits of stability, balance, proprioception (awareness of the body in space), and many more factors relating to vestibular function. 


Find all of our therapies at Better Brain & Body below. 

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